Restaurants and bars in Basel
Category: Catering
District 1: City (Grossbasel)
Coffee shop with bagels, Elisabethenstrasse, +41 61 554 52 93
Traditional cuisine, near Spalenberg, +41 61 261 21 21
First class hotel, Schifflände, +41 61 260 50 50
District 2: Main station and Aeschen
Food-court, near the main station, n.a.
District 3: Steinen
Conventions, between Heuwaage and Basel Zoo, +41 61 205 31 45
First class hotel, near the theatre, +41 61 227 27 27
District 4: Near the University
Indian cuisine, Spalenvorstadt, +41 61 261 99 93
Anatolian specialties, near the University, +41 61 261 02 39
Lebanese soul food, near the University, + 41 61 501 80 44
District 5: City (Kleinbasel)
Coffee-house, Clarastrasse, +41 61 295 40 45
Cocktail bar, Utengasse, n.a.
Creative cuisine, near Kaserne, +41 61 695 89 98
District 6: Around the trade fair
First class hotel, near the Trade Fair, +41 61 551 70 70
First-class hotel, 200m from the trade fair, +41 61 690 80 80
Catering, Exhibition center, +41 61 201 08 45
District 7: Southeast, St. Alban, Breite
Pasticceria & tavola calda, Gellert, +41 61 229 08 72
Restaurant and catering, in the Merian gardens, +41 61 311 24 54
District 8: Gundeldingen and Bruderholz
Korean cuisine, Solothurnerstrasse, +41 61 961 10 00
Casual dining, Hochstrasse, +41 61 554 52 50
Regional cuisine, Gundeldingen, +41 61 331 17 01
District 9: Southwest
Indian gourmet cuisine, Spalenring, +41 61 271 0347
Vegetarian and vegan cuisine, Westfeld, n.a.
Authentic dishes, near Schützenhaus, +41 61 271 84 84
Home delivery, Basel area, 0800 81 10 10
District 10: St. Johann
Creative cuisine, near Novartis Campus, +41 61 322 46 26
Banquets, meetings, catering, St. Johann, n.a.
Ayurvedic cuisine, St. Johanns-Vorstadt, +41 61 322 11 12
District 11: W-Kleinbasel, Kleinhüningen
Meat specialties, Horburgstrasse, +41 61 543 22 01
Event hall, Kleinhüningen, +41 61 560 60 60
Seasonal cuisine, Erlenpark, +41 61 681 40 22