Restaurants and bars in Basel
Near: Aeschenplatz (500m)
Category: Quick Service
District 2: Main station and Aeschen 177 m
Burgers and more, Aeschenvorstadt, +41 61 271 18 48
District 2: Main station and Aeschen 185 m
Thai cuisine, Aeschenvorstadt, +41 61 333 33 44
District 2: Main station and Aeschen 193 m
Pizza, Aeschengraben, +41 79 646 22 11
District 2: Main station and Aeschen 200 m
Asian cuisine, Henric Petri-Strasse, +41 61 209 15 16
District 2: Main station and Aeschen 254 m
Thai food, Drachen center, +41 58 575 87 80
District 7: Southeast, St. Alban, Breite 340 m
Light cuisine, St. Alban, +41 61 274 13 13