Restaurants and bars in Basel
Near: Exhibition Center (500m)
Category: Asian
District 6: Around the trade fair 165 m
Thai cuisine, Riehenring, +41 61 666 67 77
District 5: City (Kleinbasel) 286 m
Thai cuisine, Clarastrasse, +41 61 222 28 62
District 5: City (Kleinbasel) 289 m
Thai cuisine, 5 minutes from the Basel fair, +41 61 681 40 45
District 6: Around the trade fair 344 m
Thai cuisine, near the exhibition center, n.a.
District 5: City (Kleinbasel) 373 m
Food court, Clarastrasse, +41 61 557 90 00
District 11: W-Kleinbasel, Kleinhüningen 451 m
Thai food, Maulbeerstrasse, n.a.