Restaurants and bars in Basel
Near: Tellplatz (500m)
Category: Casual Dining
District 8: Gundeldingen and Bruderholz 27 m
Café, bar, tapas, Tellplatz, +41 61 361 20 00
District 8: Gundeldingen and Bruderholz 38 m
Greek cuisine, Tellplatz, +41 61 363 19 76
District 8: Gundeldingen and Bruderholz 39 m
Culinary delights, Tellplatz, +41 61 500 59 02
District 8: Gundeldingen and Bruderholz 86 m
Vietnamese Fusion Cuisine, near Tellplatz, +41 61 361 60 60
District 8: Gundeldingen and Bruderholz 150 m
Dining in the dark, Gundeldinger Feld, +41 61 336 33 00
Casual Dining, Gundeldingerfeld, +41 61 551 08 80
District 8: Gundeldingen and Bruderholz 182 m
Casual dining, Hochstrasse, +41 61 554 52 50
District 8: Gundeldingen and Bruderholz 208 m
Italian cuisine, Dornacherstrasse, +41 61 361 52 52
District 8: Gundeldingen and Bruderholz 275 m
Wine & Coffee Bar, Güterstrasse, +41 61 534 14 55
District 8: Gundeldingen and Bruderholz 428 m
Pizza, Güterstrasse, +41 79 646 22 11
District 8: Gundeldingen and Bruderholz 458 m
Japanese cuisine, Sempacherstrasse, +41 61 311 13 13