Restaurants and bars in Basel
Near: University Hospital (500m)
Category: Typically Basel
District 10: St. Johann 223 m
Italian gourmet cuisine, at the Johanniter bridge, +41 61 322 09 19
District 1: City (Grossbasel) 321 m
French cuisine, at the Grand Hotel Les Trois Rois, +41 61 260 50 50
District 1: City (Grossbasel) 392 m
Regional cuisine, Schifflände, +41 61 261 72 51
District 5: City (Kleinbasel) 406 m
Banquet rooms, on the Rhine river shore, +41 79 303 00 82
District 1: City (Grossbasel) 465 m
Bistro, Andreasplatz, +41 61 501 78 87
District 1: City (Grossbasel) 477 m
French brasserie cuisine, Marktplatz, +41 61 261 31 00
District 1: City (Grossbasel) 490 m
Traditional cuisine, in the old town, +41 61 261 16 56
District 1: City (Grossbasel) 498 m
Traditional cuisine, in the heart of the old town, +41 61 261 32 58