Restaurants and bars in Basel
Near: Heuwaage (300m)
Category: Design
District 3: Steinen 66 m
Irish pub, Heuwaage, +41 61 281 33 36
District 3: Steinen 139 m
Bar and events, Steinenvorstadt, +41 61 535 55 01
District 3: Steinen 153 m
Coffee and bar, Steinen, +41 61 281 41 41
District 3: Steinen 174 m
Seasonal cuisine, Steinenvorstadt, +41 61 525 46 00
District 2: Main station and Aeschen 198 m
Cocktail bar, Markthalle, +41 61 403 04 04
District 1: City (Grossbasel) 249 m
urban stay, Steinengraben, +41 61 631 51 51
District 3: Steinen 250 m
Fondue, near the zoo entrance, +41 61 564 66 99
District 1: City (Grossbasel) 257 m
Mediterranean cuisine, near the theatre, +41 61 273 97 00