Restaurants and bars in Basel
Near: University Hospital (500m)
Category: Design
District 10: St. Johann 108 m
Creative cuisine, St. Johanns-Vorstadt, +41 61 551 22 44
District 1: City (Grossbasel) 213 m
Boutique hotel, Blumenrain, +41 61 272 20 20
District 1: City (Grossbasel) 254 m
Italian cuisine, near Schifflände, +41 61 261 54 42
District 1: City (Grossbasel) 321 m
Seasonal cuisine, at the Grandhotel Les Trois Rois, +41 61 260 50 50
French cuisine, at the Grand Hotel Les Trois Rois, +41 61 260 50 50
First class hotel, Schifflände, +41 61 260 50 50
Cocktail bar, at the Grand Hotel Les Trois Rois, +41 61 260 50 50
District 5: City (Kleinbasel) 406 m
Banquet rooms, on the Rhine river shore, +41 79 303 00 82
District 1: City (Grossbasel) 427 m
Creative cuisine, Schifflände, +41 61 561 88 68
District 1: City (Grossbasel) 450 m
Seasonal cuisine, Märthof Hotel, Marktplatz, +41 61 466 15 15