Restaurants and bars in Basel
Tag: Info - Sunday brunch
Category: Design
District 1: City (Grossbasel)
Café & lounge, near the main post office, +41 61 262 27 11
For food lovers, Leonhardsgraben, +41 61 261 10 10
French cuisine, at the Grand Hotel Les Trois Rois, +41 61 260 50 50
District 2: Main station and Aeschen
World cuisine, near Aeschenplatz, +441 61 690 91 60
District 11: W-Kleinbasel, Kleinhüningen
Restaurant, bar, catering, Aktienmühle, +41 61 554 99 36
District 12: Eastern Kleinbasel
French Mediterranean cuisine, Tinguely museum, +41 61 688 94 58