Restaurants and bars in Basel
Tag: Food - Steaks
Category: Gourmet
District 1: City (Grossbasel)
Italian cuisine, near Schifflände, +41 61 261 54 42
Fine dining, Barfüsserplatz, +41 61 261 87 11
Quality cuisine, between Marktplatz and Barfüsserplatz, +41 61 261 70 17
District 2: Main station and Aeschen
Seasonal cuisine, at the Mövenpick Hotel Basel, +41 61 545 50 13
District 5: City (Kleinbasel)
Seasonal cuisine, near the exhibiton center, +41 61 525 12 51
District 8: Gundeldingen and Bruderholz
Seasonal cuisine, Corner of Dornacher and Jurastrasse, +41 61 361 08 88
District 17: Allschwil and Schönenbuch
Seasonal cuisine, Allschwil, just across the city limit, +41 61 302 14 70
District 18: Liestal County
Creative cuisine, Bubendorf, 22 km from Basel, +41 61 931 22 18
District 23: Sissach
Seasonal market cuisine, Ormalingen, 29 km from Basel, +41 61 843 77 77
District 27: Rheinfelden
Charcoal grill & vinotheque, Kaiseraugst, 13 km from Basel, +41 61 811 26 31
District 28: Laufenburg
Seasonal cuisine, Herznach, 42 km from Basel, +41 62 878 12 38
District 31: France
Traditional cuisine, Saint-Louis Bourgfelden, 3 km from Basel, +33 389 70 12 62