Restaurants and bars in Basel
District 8: Gundeldingen and Bruderholz
Category: Outdoor
Gundeldingen and Bruderholz
Thai & European Cuisine, Gundeldingen, +41 61 271 31 58
Korean cuisine, Solothurnerstrasse, +41 61 961 10 00
Coffee with sun terrace, Bruderholz, +41 61 322 77 77
Swiss & international cuisine, Gundeli, +41 61 361 91 88
Turkish specialties, Güterstrasse, +41 651 555 47 11
Italian cuisine, Tellplatz, +41 61 261 55 02
Italian coffee-bar, Dornacherstrasse, +41 61 692 49 37
Nightlife World, Dreispitz, +41 61 331 04 00
Café, bar, tapas, Tellplatz, +41 61 361 20 00
Traditional cuisine, Münchensteinerstrasse, +41 61 331 17 86
Casual dining, Hochstrasse, +41 61 554 52 50
Mediterranean cuisine, Gundeldingerstrasse, +41 61 272 69 41
Vietnamese cuisine, Margarethenstrasse, +41 61 271 89 89
Soup-bar, Güterstrasse, +41 61 220 15 97
Greek cuisine, Tellplatz, +41 61 363 19 76
Thai cuisine, Güterstrasse, n.a.
Thai cuisine, Reinacherstrasse, +41 61 220 48 84
Thai cuisine, Güterstrasse, +41 61 209 85 14
Wine & Coffee Bar, Güterstrasse, +41 61 534 14 55
Creative cuisine, Bruderholz, +41 61 361 82 22
Sushi restaurant, Dornacherstrasse, +41 61 331 60 98
Thai cuisine, Delsbergerallee, +41 61 229 46 97
Vegetarian cuisine, behind the main station, +41 61 531 40 40
Beer specialties, Gundeldinger Feld, +41 61 338 83 83
Seasonal Italian cuisine, Güterstrasse, +41 61 506 85 22
Regional cuisine, Gundeldingen, +41 61 331 17 01
Pizza, Güterstrasse, +41 79 646 22 11
Seasonal cuisine, Corner of Dornacher and Jurastrasse, +41 61 361 08 88
Meeting place, Dornacherstrasse, +41 61 361 52 52