Restaurants and bars in Basel
District 8: Gundeldingen and Bruderholz
Category: Quick Service
Gundeldingen and Bruderholz
Turkish specialties, Güterstrasse, +41 651 555 47 11
Salad bar, Güterstrasse, +41 61 361 60 00
Self-service, Shopping center MParc Dreispitz, +41 58 575 72 85
Soup-bar, Güterstrasse, +41 61 220 15 97
Smash burgers, Güterstrasse, +41 61 222 29 00
Drinks & Snacks, M Parc Dreispitz, +41 61 333 21 40
Vegetarian cuisine, behind the main station, +41 61 531 40 40
Gourmet burgers, Meret Oppenheim tower, +41 61 271 02 66
Pizza, Güterstrasse, +41 79 646 22 11
Oriental cuisine, Güterstrasse, n.a.